A Writer Reads


In my opinion, no writer writes well without reading obsessively. Even though I confess I feel guilty if I ever sit down in the middle of the day to read a book (Why aren't you writing? my conscience screams at me) reading is, in fact, a part of my job. It only follows that this time of year, when publishers release their fall lists, is my favorite.  Here are some of the upcoming releases I am most looking forward to:

ALL THEY NEED TO KNOW by Eileen Goudge  September 24

I had the very great privilege of reading the draft of this novel and loved it!  The rich cast of  female characters and the devoted friendship they develop are the stuff of great women's fiction.  Not to mention there's a dog to die for!  Coming September 24, but available for preorder at an amazing price right now.

HERE ONE MOMENT by Liane Moriarty  September 10

Liane Moriarty, like Jodie Picoult, is one of those authors who likes to ask existential questions and then answer them in the most unexpected way.  In Here One Moment, the question is, "What would you do if you knew exactly when and how you were going to die?" I'm reading this now, and I've got to say, I don't know how she's going to pull it off, but I know this author and have no doubt she will!  Released September 10.

CANDLE AND CROW by Kevin Hearne October 1 

I don't usually read fantasy, but I have loved Kevin Hearne since Hounded introduced Oberon the wolfhound, a better conversationalist than most people I know.  Although this particular series (Ink & Sigil) doesn't feature any dogs, Kevin Hearne remains one of the most brilliant authors I've ever read-- sometimes too smart for me!  Candle & Crow will be released October 1, but is available now for preorder.

THE GREY WOLF by Louise Penny October 29

Louise Penny is one of those authors who demonstrates that a mystery novel can also be a work of art. I look forward to her Inspector Gamache/Three Pines novels (of which this is the 19th) the way I look forward to Christmas.  This one will be out October 29, but is available for preorder now.

WE SOLVE MURDERS by Richard Osman September 17

Did you love THE THURSDAY MURDER CLUB? Of course you did!  And while I was disappointed to learn that Osman's next release was not going to be another installment in that series,  this one, featuring a retired investigator and his adventurous daughter-in-law, promises to be just as delightful.  I've been waiting for it all year! Releases September 17, but available for preorder now.

EVERYONE THIS CHRISTMAS HAS A SECRET  by Benjamin Stevenson  October 22

From the author who started the (by now rather worn) trend of titling books with sentences (Everyone in my Family Has Killed Someone, Everyone on This Train is a Suspect), this holiday installment promises to be just as witty and clever as his previous two offerings.  If you haven't read Stevenson before, he showcases a unique device by having his main character actually give tips on how to write a mystery throughout the unveiling of his mystery story.  Very helpful if that's your ambition!  Releases October 22, but available for pre-order now.

THE BLUE HOUR by Paula Hawkins October 29

What can I say?  I've been a fan of Paula Hawkins since The Girl on the Train. It takes an accomplished storyteller to pull off this kind of  suspense, and Hawkins never disappoints.  Releases October 29 (just in time for Halloween!) but available for pre-order now.

THE SEQUEL by Jean Hanff Korelitz  October 1  

In this cleverly titled sequel to THE PLOT, one of the most twisty, turny, almost-too-smart-for-its-own-good novels of 2021, the widow of the unfortunate novelist from the previous book doesn't appear to have learned her lesson about ill-gotten gains...at least from what I can make out from the cover copy. One thing is for sure: pay attention while you're reading this one, because if the previous book is any indication, this author will take you on a ride that will have you holding on for dear life.  Coming October 1, but available for pre-order now.

And those are just a few of the titles I'm most excited about!  What about you?  What are you looking forward to reading this fall?




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