Into the Woods


Pre-order for Kindle here
 Available in paperback and hardcover May 30

Audio coming in July 

Despite the fact that I write about an adventurous search and rescue team, one of the things Raine Stockton and I do not have in common is an enthusiasm for wilderness camping.  Regular camping, yes.  Glamping, even more.  But as I have famously said, if I ever find myself alone in the middle of the woods the only thing I'll be searching for is the nearest Holiday Inn.  

After reading Dead Man's Trail, you may feel the same.

Like most writers, I know a little bit about almost everything, but wilderness survival is not my forte.  (If you need to know how to house train a puppy, though, I'm your girl!) For the rich wilderness background against which Dead Man's Trail is set, I had to do a little research.  Some of the things I discovered were just common sense, some I already knew simply from growing up in the country,  and some were absolutely fascinating.  Please note, I can't vouch for the effectiveness of any of these tips, but if you ever find yourself lost in the woods-- or in any other emergency situation--they just might come in handy.

For example, did you know:

You can use hand sanitizer to start a fire.  Soak dried leaves or grass in it and the alcohol will quickly catch a spark and ignite.

You can get water from tree leaves by wrapping a plastic bag around the leaves and waiting for the sun to evaporate the water inside them.  The water will be trapped inside the plastic bag. It might not be much, but in a desperate situation it might be just enough.

You can use toothpaste to relieve bug bites! It's also good for burns and scrapes, and apparently reduces swelling from small wounds.  I've also used it to spackle nail holes in walls, but that's another story.

You can use socks to filter water and as small "bear bags" to suspend items from tree branches.  Always carry an extra pair.

You can use a tampon soaked in pine sap to make a torch.

You can use acorns and oak bark, boiled into a tea, to help fight intestinal infections like dysentery and cholera.

You can use superglue to close a cut.  But you knew that, right?

And finally, if you ever find yourself lost in the woods, don't forget this survival credo:





As Raine Stockton would be quick to tell you, the biggest mistake lost hikers make is to panic.  Stay focused, stay chill, and remember your wilderness skills. Most importantly, enjoy your next foray into America's wilderness.

Or the Zombie Apocalypse, whichever comes first.


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