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I'm terribly excited about the launch of the Blood River Series-- my first new series since 2015.  Blood River, as the name might imply, is a slightly edgier type of mystery than my readers are used to, and I felt I was taking quite a chance nudging them out of their comfort zone.  But UNFIXABLE gave me a chance to write the kind of book I've been wanting to write for a long time, and I could be more pleased with the way it turned out.  

In UNFIXABLE, Buck Lawson, from the Raine Stockton Dog Mysteries, leaves the Smoky Mountains to take a job as police chief of a small south Georgia town and soon finds himself knee-deep in corruption, deception and homicide.

 Once there, Buck discovers he has inherited an unsolved homicide, a house that may well be haunted and a police department that is almost certainly corrupt.  It falls to Buck to free an innocent man and bring the former police chief's killer to justice while he wades through the quagmire of incompetence and dishonesty that permeates his office.  His only true ally, Buck comes to understand, is the dead man himself. 

 We learn a lot of surprising things about Buck in UNFIXABLE, and I hope readers will enjoy the journey of discovery as much as I did.

To learn more about how UNFIXABLE came to be, check out this interview here.

And be sure to read the excerpt here.  It may be one of my favorite opening scenes ever!


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