Back Again

Pages written since last post:273 (50 of which have been written over...and over..and over again)

It's the same old story:when you make your living as a writer, you sometimes have to actually write. Not to mention proofread, edit, revise, review the copy edit and promote the book you've written. I am in awe of those writers-- and agents, and editors-- who can do their jobs and still have time (and words!) left over for blogging. Who can possibly have that much to say?

However, acutely aware of my failings as a blogger, I hereby resolve to be more conscientious about expressing my opinions on a variety of topics online, whether or not those opinons have any merit at all, and whether or not anyone is interested. So stand by.

Meanwhile, what have I been reading? Most memorably, An Irish Country Doctor and An Irish Country Village by Patrick Taylor. These books are like comfort food for a cold rainy spring.


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