A New Day

pages written since last post: 150

But no... getting a start on a new book is not all I've been doing since February. Like so many of my colleagues of late, I've been re-evaluating the publishing business and my place in it. (I've also been trying to get off sugar and processed foods,lower my resting heart rate and plant an organic garden, but that's another post altogether).  I've also been giving a lot of thought to books in general and the way we read them, and, frankly, how much all of these things have changed.  When I first started buying books, a paperback could be had for 2.99.  When I first started writing books, the average price of a paperback book was 4.99.  When the cost of a paperback book jumped to 7.99, and a hardcover to $20.00, some of the most dedicated readers I know swore they would never buy another book.  Well, now they're paying $35.00 for some titles, but guess what?  They're not doing it very often. 

So here's the thing.  I think books should be affordable.  I think this because I am a reader, and because I am a writer who would very much like to have her books read.  The problem is that print books are impossibly expensive to publish, so that even when every corner is cut and every middleman is eliminated, it's very difficult to price a trade paperback (that would be the size of AT HOME ON LADYBUG FARM) for less than $14.00.  Fortunately, there is a solution: the e-book.

I'm pleased to announce that as of today I have four titles available for the Amazon Kindle for $1.99.  They are:
Smoky Mountain Tracks
Rapid Fire
Matchmaker, Matchmaker
A Man Around the House

Over the next several months I will be adding at least fifteen new titles, all for under $3.00, because I believe people should read!

All of titles that I list for  Kindle will also be available on your other electronic reading devices-- I-pad, Sony, nook, etc. a week or so later.  The best-selling of these titles will also be released in print-- but, alas, at the usual 14.95 or higher price point.

If you don't have a Kindle, you can actually download an ap for your PC for free that allows you to read books on your computer or other device, like BlackBerry or I-phone, which I think is incredibly cool.

I'll keep you updated as I add new e-books, and if you enjoy any of my titles, post a review on Amazon.com or elsewhere, and let me know.    After all, for 1.99, what have you got to lose?

By the way, what am I reading now?  In paper, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson.  On my Kindle:Every Day in Tuscany by Frances Mayer .




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