A Stranger Comes to Town


I love this quote!  It reminds us that a story doesn't begin until something changes.  Think about all your favorite books, the ones that really pull you in: they all begin with a change.  A stranger comes to town.  A road forks. An opportunity is offered.  A body is found.  It should also remind you that, if you happen to be a teller of tales, anything you write that delays getting your reader to part where something changes probably doesn't belong there. The story begins where something changes.

Today I'm excited to announce that my story about a stranger coming to town is finally available!  UNFIXABLE: A BUCK LAWSON MYSTERY is the quintessential story of change, both for the fictional character and for me, the writer.  Buck Lawson, a favorite from The Raine Stockton Dog Mysteries, is a man desperate to change his life.  In an attempt to escape, not only his past, but the environment in which he is continuously defined by his reputation, Buck takes a new job and moves to a new town. That's where his story begins-- very dramatically! (read the opening here).

For me, Unfixable also represents a change.  This is the first new series I've started since The Dogleg Island Mysteries in 2015 (that's  a long time in dog years!), and the first mystery without a dog.  That opens up a whole new world to explore, one that's both exciting and a little terrifying.  Will Buck, Billy, Miss Corinne and Hobo the toothless alligator find their audience down there in Mercy, Georgia?  Will my readers be able to share their affection for the familiar world of Hansonville, N.C. with  the sultry marshlands of south Georgia? And how much did they really like Buck anyway?  Like an anxious mother sending her child off on the first day of  school, all I can do is hope I've done enough. 

UNFIXABLE is available now in digital and print formats from your favorite retailers!



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